Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Check out the video from Dayspa Magazine about Nufree!

Deb Swan, National Sales Director of Nufree finipil, talks with DAYSPA
Managing Editor Lesley McCave about the Nufree professional hair removal
system. It's soy-based, antibacterial and
easier to use than wax — Nufree sticks only to hair and never dries. Swan also talks about finipil skin cream for
application after hair removal — it fills empty pores, prevents ingrown
hairs and "lumps and bumps" as a result of clogged pores, and treats
acne too. There's also the Little One kit for smaller hair removal tasks
like eyebrows and the upper lip, as well as Nufree 4 men only, a new
men's line.


  1. Less body hair for both men and women, is increasingly desired and deemed more attractive. Hair removal is therefore quite common, with various methods of removing unwanted hair —temporarily or permanently.
    hair removal

  2. The five stages of product design can be narrowed down into three stages as explained below, these stages are; The concepts: This is defined as a clear outline or specification which includes the use and value of the product which can be used to asses the stages of the design, it means understanding the nature, use and value of the products.2d design drawings
